The outreach that this ministry serves for our people is made possible by the grace of the Most High and by the support of faithful saints.
The ministry serves in many capacities such as prison ministry, nursing home ministry, evangelism, baptism, hospital ministry, orphanage ministry, and media/online ministry.
'Hebrews For Excellence And Exodus' is a movement started by the Ministry that seeks to serve the people of the Most High by Home Fellowship, Home Schooling, Home Business, and Homesteading.
Since launching the movement in 2019 the Ministry has traveled all across the country from San Diego, CA, to Jamestown, VA, to New York, NY and many other places to teach the gospel , baptize, fellowship, pray for the sick, and live the gospel.
We are thankful for your donations as it continues to help us do the work of the Kingdom with no worry about financial constraints.
For those who are interested in financially supporting the ministry with gifts/donations please see the links below for how to donate.
$VictoryManifest1000 (CashApp)